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Career opportunities

Are you curious about what the asset management sector has to offer to you as an intern, a working student, a trainee, or a starter? If so, a wide range of jobs are available, with something suitable for everyone. Initially, you do not need a great deal of knowledge or experience. The focus is mainly on your own interests and motivation, because if you enjoy what you do, everything else will follow naturally. If you are ready to challenge yourself, here is where you can find out what the sector has to offer you.

Asset managers and service providers

Service providers make up a significant part of the asset management sector. Asset managers are usually supported in their work by service providers: for example, for legal, technological, or strategic advice, change management, reports, or investment administration. In these organisations, your clients are generally multiple asset managers, and therefore this provides an excellent opportunity to expand one’s knowledge, experience, and career in the asset management sector.

Different career options

On this page, you will find a list of asset managers and service providers in the Netherlands - ranging from major asset managers who invest in Dutch pension and insurance equities to smaller, specialist asset managers - who offer an extensive variety of vacancies and positions. If you are keen to know more about the possibilities, please click on the logos.

Career opportunities with asset managers

Achmea Investment Management
Aegon Asset Management
Amundi Asset Management
Anthos Fund & Asset Management
APG Asset Management
ASN Impact Investors
ASR Vermogensbeheer
AXA Investment Managers
BNP Paribas Asset Management
CBRE Investment Management
Goldman Sachs Asset Management
Mint Tower
Northern Trust
Pictet Asset Management
Russell Investments
Triodos Investment Management
Triple Jump
Van Eck
Van Lanschot Kempen

Career opportunities with service providers

AFS Execution Services
Caceis Investor Services