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Privacy policy

DUFAS processes personal data. In this privacy statement, we answer the most important questions about the processing of personal data by DUFAS.

Whose personal data does DUFAS process?

DUFAS processes personal data of individuals with whom we have, want to have, or have had a relationship. For example, this could be data from:

Who is responsible for processing my personal data?

The statutory director of DUFAS is responsible for processing your personal data.

For what purposes does DUFAS process personal data?

We use personal data to properly invite people to activities, inform them, or support them in their activities. We also need personal data for newsletters. Data can also be used for promotional or marketing purposes, for example, for conferences organized by third parties. If individuals no longer wish to be approached for these purposes, they can indicate this by clicking 'unsubscribe' at the bottom of an email. DUFAS also takes photos and videos during its activities to use for publication via digital newsletters and social media platforms. We ask for permission from the individuals shown in the images for this publication. Finally, we process data for practical matters, such as supporting administrative processes related to membership fees.

Storing Personal Data

DUFAS actively uses, manages, and cleanses the NAW (Name, Address, City) data of individuals for inviting them to conferences and sending newsletters in a database. A general check of the database is carried out once a year, and individuals who are still in our database without permission are removed.

Right to Access

You have the right to access, rectification, or erasure of your personal data. You can submit a request for this by sending an email to info@dufas.nl or sending a letter with the request to our postal address. If you receive information via MailChimp, you can do this via the instructions in the footer of MailChimp.

Right to File a Complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority (Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens)

You have the right to file a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority if you believe that DUFAS has mishandled your personal data.

Note: Specific terms such as "Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens" are usually kept in the original language in legal texts and official documents to avoid confusion, as they refer to specific legal entities.


We collect data for research to gain better insight into our visitors/members, enabling us to tailor our services to them. This website uses 'cookies' (text files placed on your computer) to help analyze how users use the site. The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website may be transferred to DUFAS's secure servers or those of a third party. We use this information to track how you use the website, to compile reports on website activity, and to offer other services related to website activity and internet usage. This always happens in an anonymized way.

Overview of Cookies Used

Below is described which cookies DUFAS places itself and which third-party cookies are used.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics collects anonymized data about surfing behavior on www.dufas.nl. This way, we can see how visitors like you use the website. We use this information to make informed decisions about the design of our website and also optimize the functioning of the website. To enable careful processing, we have taken the following measures:

If you do not want your click behavior to be tracked, you can download a browser plugin from the Google website that prevents this. This setting applies to all websites you visit, not just www.dufas.nl. You can download the browser plugin here. Note: the plugin only works for Chrome.

Functional Cookies

Core Functions

These cookies are strictly necessary for the functioning of the website. Without these cookies, certain parts cannot be used.

Social Buttons

The site includes buttons to promote or share pages on Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. These buttons are pieces of code from the social media themselves and use a cookie. This cookie remembers that you are logged in so that you do not have to log in to Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn every time you want to share something. To see what they do with personal data received through this code, you can view the privacy statements of Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn (which can change regularly).

Embedded Content

Blog articles can use content hosted on other sites and accessed on www.dufas.nl. Think of YouTube videos. Similarly to the social buttons, these codes often use cookies. What they do with the cookies and personal data can be found in the privacy policy of the respective service. We have no control over this.


We do not collect or use information for purposes other than those described in this privacy policy unless we have obtained your consent in advance.

Third Parties

The information is not shared with third parties (apart from any third parties involved in data storage). Processing agreements have been concluded with these third parties. In some cases, the information can be shared internally. Our employees are obliged to respect the confidentiality of your data.

Tracking Cookies

Until mid-March 2022, we use a Facebook pixel to draw attention to a job advertisement among visitors who have seen this advertisement on Facebook and/or Instagram. We ask for your consent to use this Facebook pixel when you visit our website. Only when you give consent, the pixel is read. For the cookies that Facebook places and the data they collect with them, we also refer to the statements that Facebook gives on its own websites.